Note for Refrigerant

How can I safely handle refrigerants?
1. Please store refrigerants in a clean, sealed condition.
2. Don't tamper with cylinder valves or pressure relief devices.
3. Never use disposable refrigerant cylinders as compressed air tanks.
4. Please wear protective clothing while handling refrigerants.
5. Avoid direct contact with liquid refrigerant, as frostbite may occur.
6. Avoid exposure to vapors through spills or leaks.
7. Check whether the cylinder label matches the color code.
8. Open cylinder valves slowly.
9. Avoid rough handling of refrigerant cylinders.
10. Before welding or brazing, evacuate the equipment and then break the vacuum with air or nitrogen. Do not perform any repair on pressurized equipment.
11. No flame.

How can I safely handle disposable and returnable cylinders?
1. Remove liquid from the cylinder when charging any refrigerant.
2. Verify proper hookup of charging hoses.
3. Open valves slowly.
4. Prevent cylinders from rusting during storage.
5. Keep it in a dry place.
6. Verify that the refrigerant label matches any color code or labeling used on the equipment.
7. Do not tamper with any relief devices on cylinders or refrigerant equipment.
8. Do not drop, dent, or mechanically abuse containers.
9. Do not recharge disposable or refillable cylinders with used refrigerants.
10. Do not use disposable cylinders as compressed air tanks.
11. No falme.

What should I do if a large refrigerant leak or spill occurs?
1. Don't attempt to enter the area to repair equipment except for the vapors are dispersed, or you are equipped with proper breathing apparatus.
2. Use blowers or fans to circulate air at the floor level and in any basement or low areas.
3. Appropriate respiratory protection equipment should be readily available in case of a large release.
4. Personnel should be trained how to use this equipment.

How can I tell if a refrigerant has decomposed?
1. The strong odors released from the decomposed refrigerant will irritate the nose and throat.
2. The irritating fumes released from decomposition will provide early warning and will likely result in an attempt to evacuate the area.
3. Follow all Coolmate recommendations for refrigerant handling to prevent refrigerant decomposition and other hazards.

Are decomposition products hazardous?
Yes. The acidic vapors produced are dangerous and the area should be evacuated immediately. Anyone exposed to the decomposition products should be taken to fresh air for medical treatment immediately. The exposure area should not be re-entered until it is deemed safe by the appropriate authorities.

Where have Coolmate Refrigerant been exported?
Coolmate Refrigerants have been exported to many countries such as America, Germany, Russia, Japan, Australia, and more.

©2015 Foshan Liangyou Environmental Protection Chemicals Co., Ltd.